Emergency Management / Community Resilience

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Emergency Management / Community  Resilience

As a trusted partner of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), STGS has experience in ensuring millions of critical funds are allocated and accounted for through grant processes for humanitarian and disaster recovery efforts. To date, STGS has deployed over 70 Technical Assistance Contractors (TACs) into Disaster Recovery Situations throughout the continental United States. Currently, STGS TACs are working active task orders in Texas(DR-4332-TX), Louisiana(DR-1603-LA), Louisiana(DR-4559-4570-LA), and CRC Central.


  • Interpretation of The Robert T. Stafford Act 
  • Development of scopes of work for grants 
  • Quality assurance 
  • 406 hazard mitigation 
  • Infrastructure damage validation 
  • Cost estimating and cost estimating format (CEF) 
  • Construction management 

Specific Examples

  • Staffs critical roles such as Program Delivery Managers (PDMG) – a primary point-of-contact assigned to each applicant for federal assistance
  • Provides site inspectors, environmental and historic preservation specialists, mitigation specialists and project specialists
  • Collaborates with state, local, tribal units of government as well as private, non-profits to build grant packages in FEMA Grants Manager
  • Develops technical documentation relating to roofing systems, mechanical, HVAC, piping, plumbing and fire protection design for industrial and government facilities

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